Check out all the cool plants you can find in the bush that can nourish your body!

Disclaimer: Do not consume a plant unless 100% of the correct ID. When foraging please make sure if you do not own the land to ask for permission to enter someone’s property before foraging there. Don’t assume it’s vacant property!

Hey! I’m so glad you’re here! My name is Myrhanda…

I’d like to invite you on my adventures of learning about the plants and fungi in the bush here in the Parry Sound district. We’re just East of Georgian Bay and are in God’s country… it’s so ethereal and wild here.

During the whole pandemic crisis I became acutely aware that our direction in life as a country may drastically change, I didn’t know what our economy was going to do or what life was going to be like… and it started to feel like everything was crumbling around us. I wasn’t sure if we were even going to have access to a grocery store in the years to come. So I set out to learn how to feed my family and care for them through herbalism and using the wild fauna around us. Because of my background in gardening, it was pretty easy for me to learn how to identify plants and then branch into the wonderful world of fungi. I am so not an expert on fungi, and I will bow out to the people that know… But there are mushrooms around here that are really easy to identify and I’ll show you those. Please do your own research on these 🙂

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