The Early Jalapeño Pepper is a great variety for Northern Gardeners. This variety reigns early, dark green to red in color. The peppers grow up to 3 inches, prolific producers. Can be eaten raw, cooked, or pickled! These peppers are a wonderful ingredient to traditional guacamole or can be sautéed and added to fajitas!
Fruits set well on mid-sized plants 60-90cm (24-36″) tall.
To get the most out of your plants, they will need
- Full sun
- Soil should have abundant phosphorus and calcium
- Will tolerate dry soil, but they will only put on good growth if kept moist but not sopping wet.
- Container Friendly, 5 gallon containers work well, but require good drainage and regular irrigation.
- I always add 1/2 cup each of bone & blood meal as well as all-purpose fertilizer of choice such as rabbit poop, or compost underneath seedling and water well before planting.
Pickup is only available at the end of May, I cannot safely get them to you through courier or post…
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