Shishito Pepper Seedling


Shishito Pepper Seedling in a 1 gal pot

Seedlings have been started in Mid January and should be in the 1 gal size ready for pickup at the end of May

Pre-order only!

Availability: 50 in stock

SKU: SHISHITO1GAL Category: Tags: ,

Shishito peppers are trending, turning up in gourmet menus across North America. They may be the perfect bite-sized pepper for blistering under the broiler and serving with just some coarse salt. The 24” tall plants produce loads of slender, mild peppers, and will keep producing late in the season. Harvest peppers while still green, picking often. Thin walls make it ideal for tempura or roasting. My girls and I love panfrying them in butter! Just a heads up, about every tenth or twelfth pepper will have a bit of heat to it, but they were still much milder than a jalapeño.

To get the most out of your plants, they will need

  • Full sun
  • Soil should have abundant phosphorus and calcium
  • Will tolerate dry soil, but they will only put on good growth if kept moist but not sopping wet.
  • Container Friendly, 5 gallon containers work well, but require good drainage and regular irrigation.
  • I always add 1/2 cup each of bone & blood meal as well as all-purpose fertilizer of choice such as rabbit poop, or compost underneath seedling and water well before planting.

Pickup is only available at the end of May, I cannot safely get them to you through courier or post…

1 gal

Seedling in a 1 gal pot


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