Zone Hardiness & why it’s important

So this is a fun subject and one that will quite frankly piss off the old gardeners, I know cause I’ve certainly done it in the past.

What is a Zone and why is it so important?

They refer to defined geographic regions that can support specific plants, flowers and trees. The zones define a minimum range of temperatures that a plant or tree can survive safely in that zone. Basically how cold and for how long can a plant handle it. In Ontario the zones range from USDA Zone 0b to USDA Zone 7a. In my area we are a zone 4a to 3b, which is contrary to what most of the pros will say here… they’ll try and tell you that we are a zone 5a. Well I’m sorry, but that’s bull. We soooo get colder then -26°C!! Anyone who lives here will tell you that.

Now before I slam these pros too much, we have to understand where they get their info from, and that’s from sources that haven’t updated since 2010. Seriously. It’s 2022. You can see by the map here…

So why am I making a big deal about this?

Because, it saves you money in the long run. No unnecessary plant purchases in hopes that they will survive. If the plant you want to buy has a higher zoned number then where you are, then treat it as an annual, it most likely won’t survive the winter, or keep it in a pot and bring it in over the winter. Go ahead and buy it, enjoy all the pretty things you guys, just remember that it most likely won’t survive the winter.

That being said, sometimes there are some pockets that are warmer then others and that’s because they are in a sheltered area, or close to a large body of water that’s south facing and sees very little brutal winter winds. If you have such a place – enjoy it cause you’re lucky!

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